Find out more about the mindset behind our consulting services

Posted on Jun 9, 2015

From linear to circular economics

We do not have an energy problem. We have a resource problem.

Rising energy costs are a consequence of ineffective use of natural resources like coal and oil. A system shift to renewable energy from sun, wind, geothermal or biomass as a source is socially responsible, economically viable and ecologically desirable. We are the advocate of a regenerative economy, where the value of energy and resources are retained as long as possible. Our focus is on the design of supply cycles and circular business models.
Increase systemic efficiency

Efficiency can only be sustainable, as long its costs are not externalised.

The term which best describes this kind of effective efficiency is efficacy. An example is the substitution of toxic product ingredients instead of only minimising toxicity. The aim is to keep technical and biological resources in a regenerative circle instead of just making products less bad. As a consequence positive external effects (as opposed to externalities) occur that retain and even create new value. To us, only intended externalities can be starting point of sustainability management, because “you can’t manage what doesn’t exist.”
There is no viable standard in sustainability
Sustainability consulting relies too much on compliance and reporting.
The times where consultancies successfully applied standardised solutions to problems they did not even understand are over. Climate change, disruptive technologies and an energy transition demand careful analysis because of their specific effects on companies. nextcycle likes dealing with complex problems in uncertain environments, because they are often the origin of systemic innovation.
Creating shared value

Competitors can become partners in a circular economy.

The less a companies value creation practice depends on its level of resource consumption, the more likely its ability to grow even in times of crises. Supply cycles instead of supply chains are a first step. A second step is a multidisciplinary workforce and the quest for innovation and cooperation outside established markets and target groups. nextcycle believes in a practice of value creation that sustains the systems (economical, ecological, social) upon this value creation depends.

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